The National Aquarium Baltimore has about 1.6 million visitors a year, and its busiest season runs from April to October. For the past three summers, the Aquarium has supplemented its staff by participating as a YouthWorks job site.
When Akkia Longreturned to her home town of Baltimore as a young teenager, she discovered that she would have to repeat the ninth grade at her new school – W.E.B. DuBois High School. She was disheartened, didn’t put her best effort forward and soon developed poor habits that led to negative behavior. She stopped coming to school regularly, didn’t complete her homework assignments, and became pregnant.
For seven years after graduating from high school, Marcia Joyner worked in retail. Although she was able to move up the ranks of management, she never felt as if she found her true career pathway and needed professional assistance.
When Senita Robinson, a licensed foodservice manager, became unemployed in September 2010, she started visiting the Northwest One Stop Career Center at Mondawmin Mall every day to search for open positions and apply for jobs.