Recent News

Baltimore Region Coaches Help Put City Youth to Work Coaches Breakfast Slated for January 28, 2008

Baltimore Region Coaches Help Put City Youth to Work
Coaches Breakfast Slated for January 28, 2008

MOED receives Weinberg Foundation grant to increase services to ex-offenders

MOED receives Weinberg Foundation grant to 
increase services to ex-offenders

MOED’s Youth Opportunity program receives Weinberg Foundation grant

MOED’s Youth Opportunity program receives 
Weinberg Foundation grant

Baltimore City and Baltimore County Launch Inaugural Awards Breakfast Celebrating “Regionalism that Works”

Baltimore City and Baltimore County Launch Inaugural Awards 
Breakfast Celebrating “Regionalism that Works”

Businesses to be Honored for Innovations in Workforce Development

Baltimore, MD - Mayor Sheila Dixon and Baltimore County Executive James T. Smith, Jr. along with the Baltimore Workforce Investment Board (BWIB) and Baltimore County Workforce Development Council (BCWDC) are honored to congratulate the inaugural recipients of the Baltimore Regional Employer Awards.

Johns Hopkins University Hosts a Special High School Graduation

Johns Hopkins University Hosts a Special High School Graduation


Baltimore Region Coaches Help Put City Youth to Work

Baltimore Region Coaches Help Put City Youth to Work 
Coaches Breakfast slated for April 27th.

Connecting the Community to Career Building Resources in Baltimore City

Connecting the Community to Career Building Resources in Baltimore City 

The Land of Opportunity Broadens for those with Disabilities

The Land of Opportunity Broadens for those with Disabilities 

Baltimore City's YouthWorks Summer Jobs Campaign Prepares to Employ 5,500 Youth

Baltimore City's YouthWorks Summer Jobs Campaign Prepares to Employ 5,500 Youth 
