Career Center Services

Career Center Services
Our career center services are available at two, full-service One-Stop Career Centers located on the east and west sides of Baltimore City, the Employment Connection Center in South Baltimore, and the Workforce Reception Center for those receiving TANF benefits, and partner sites in neighborhood-based Community Job Hubs.
For all full list of our job centers, click here. Virtual assistance is available. Fill out our assistance form here.
At the one-stop centers, MOED staff and workforce partners with expertise in specific job preparation areas provide comprehensive and seamless delivery of services. Customized services are provided onsite for persons who are unemployed or underemployed – and for targeted populations, such as the previously incarcerated, veterans, disabled persons, and seniors.
Services include:
- Recruitment events for job openings
- Job search assistance
- Resume help
- Skills training
- GED training
- Criminal record expungement
- True ID verification (Eastside Career Center only)
- Internet access
- Digital Learning Labs to learn basic computer skills
- Self-service access to telephones, copiers, scanners, printers and fax machines
- Assistive technology is available at MOED's One-Stop Career Centers
Supportive Employment Services
- Food, Medical, Energy Assistance, Disability, and or Child Support - My DHR Benefits
- Baltimore City Housing Authority
- Homeless Shelter Directory
- Child Care Locator - Locate Childcare
- Transportation - Getting Around
- Legal Services – Maryland Legal Aid
- 211 Helpline
Become Job Ready
Job seekers learn skills to become “job-ready” as defined by the 21st-Century Job Readiness Standards. These standards, were developed with business input through the Baltimore Workforce Development Board to create a common language and precise description for employers and job seekers, of the knowledge and combination of skills required for workplace success.
Baltimore City’s One-Stop partners include the Baltimore Workforce Development Board, Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation - Maryland Job Service, Veterans Services (JVSG), Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Unemployment Insurance, and Trade Act Programs, the Baltimore City Department of Social Services, Maryland Adult Education, South Baltimore Learning, Strong City, Baltimore City Community College, Maryland Educational Opportunity Center (MEOC), Department of Labor, Job Corps, Senior Service America, Baltimore Cash Campaign, SEDCO, and Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation.