Press Releases

Mayor Scott Announces Train Up Program

BALTIMORE, MD (Wednesday, March 9, 2022) — Today, Mayor Brandon M. Scott joined Director Jason Perkins-Cohen of the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) and community partners to formally announce Train Up.

Train UpMayor Brandon ScottMOEDBaltimore workforce

Mayor Brandon Scott to Announce New Job Training Program

On Wednesday, March 9, 2022, Baltimore City’s Mayor Brandon Scott will hold a press conference at the Jane Addams Resource Center to formally announce Train Up - a free job training to unemployed and underemployed Baltimore City residents impacted by COVID-19.

Train UpJob TrainingMayor Brandon ScottARPA

Public Notice | Request for Proposals | One-Stop Operator for Baltimore City’s One-Stop Career Centers

The Baltimore Workforce Development Board (“Board”) is seeking responses to a Request for Proposals for a One-Stop Operator for Baltimore City’s One-Stop Career Centers. The One-Stop Career Centers are proud partners of the American Job Center network. The One-Stop Operator will coordinate the service delivery of required one-stop partners and service providers of core program partners and other required partners working with both comprehensive One-Stop Centers.

Baltimore Workforce Development BoardBWDBRequest for ProposalsOne-Stop Operator

Public Notice | Request for Proposals | Train Up and Hire Up Support Services: Behavioral Health Services for Baltimore City Residents in the COVID-19 Economic Recovery

The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development seeks responses to a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide behavioral health services as a support service to participants in employment development programs.

RFPBaltimore Workforce Development BoardTrain UpHire Up

DPW is Accepting Applications for the 2022 YH2O Career Mentoring Program

Deadline to Apply: Friday, February 25

Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW)  Director Jason W. Mitchell has announced that recruitment is now underway for the 2022 Class of YH2O Career Mentoring Program participants. This award-winning, job-readiness program helps to prepare young adults in Baltimore City for public works careers.

Baltimore City Department of Public WorksYH2O Career Mentoring ProgramMayor’s Office of Employment DevelopmentChesapeake Water Environment Association

Major New Funding Available to Create New Apprenticeships with Baltimore City Employers

The Baltimore City Board of Estimates approved the $250,000 American Rescue Plan Act, (ARPA) funds for the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development’s (MOED) apprenticeship initiative. MOED’s  Employer Services division will lead the apprenticeship program as part of MOED’s overall workforce strategy to help Baltimore employers and residents overcome the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds offer incentives to Baltimore City employers to create apprenticeship opportunities that provide paid on-the-job skills training to workers.

MOEDApprenticeshipsBaltimore City Board of EstimatesARPA

Back to Normal?

This brief is the first in a series of articles published by the Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Employment Development on citywide data trends and their implications for the workforce. We hope that through publishing these, we will engage thought leaders and workforce stakeholders on how to build an equitable workforce system.

Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Employment DevelopmentBaltimore workforcedata trendsjobs

Request for Proposals

Train Up: Community Connections For Baltimore City Residents in the COVID-19 Economic Recovery

The Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED), on behalf of the Mayor and City Council, requests proposals for community-based organizations that will conduct intensive, neighborhood-based outreach to unemployed and underemployed residents in Baltimore City who are in need of training, employment and/or support services and who were impacted by the COVID-19 economic crisis. 

Request for ProposalsRFPTrain Up

JATC Celebrates Voice Data Video Apprenticeship Class

Members of the MOED team were present at the Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for the Electrical Industry of Baltimore on Fri

JATCJason Perkins-CohenJoint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for the Electrical Industry of BaltimoreVoice Data Video Apprenticeship Class

Mayor Scott Announces $55 Million Investment to Put Baltimore Back to Work and Ensure Equitable Economic Recovery from COVID-19

$30 Million to Expand Workforce Development and Job Placements for Youth and Disadvantaged Job Seekers; $25 Million Economic Recovery Fund to Support Nonprofits, Artists, Small Businesses, and

Mayor ScottAmerican Rescue Plan ActARPAWorkforce Development
