Mayor Scott Announces Train Up Program

Occupational Skills Training Program Part of Baltimore’s Economic Recovery Strategy 

Train Up Providers Group Photo

BALTIMORE, MD (Wednesday, March 9, 2022) — Mayor Brandon M. Scott joined Director Jason Perkins-Cohen of the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) and community partners to formally announce Train Up. Train Up is a free job training initiative for unemployed and underemployed Baltimore City residents impacted by COVID-19. The first year of Train Up funding totals nearly $5 million through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This allocation is the single most significant investment ever made into workforce training in Baltimore.

“I look forward to working closely with the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development as we increase access to opportunity, promote local job growth, support low-income households, benefit historically underinvested neighborhoods and create wealth in Black and Brown communities,” said Mayor Brandon M. Scott. “Train Up will improve the chances of economic success for those who were systematically disadvantaged even before the COVID-19 public health emergency, and then disproportionately impacted by it.”

In November, Mayor Scott announced a total of $8.9 million in ARPA funding for Train Up as part of a comprehensive $30 million allocation into workforce development and job opportunity investment.

In partnership with MOED, Train Up grantees will provide essential skills training to participants in Baltimore’s growing industries, including healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, and technology.

“Through Train Up, more than 1,600 residents will gain access to free job training in high growth industries, legal assistance, behavioral health support, and financial empowerment counseling,” Jason Perkins-Cohen added. “This comprehensive effort is an essential component of our strategy to ensure that every resident has the opportunity for meaningful work and a hopeful future.“

The 17 grantees selected to carry out the training are: Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare, BioTechnical Institute of Maryland, Associated Builders and Contractors/Project JumpStart, Byte Back, Catholic Charities of Baltimore, Center for Urban Families, Civic Works, Equality Equation, Goodwill Industries, HOPE Inc., Jane Addams Resource Center, Maryland New Directions, NPower, Open Works, Per Scholas, UNITE HERE, and Vehicles for Change.

MOED is committed to building a robust Baltimore City workforce by developing meaningful partnerships with the local business community, connecting residents to jobs, and building pathways to careers. MOED’s mission is to deliver economic justice to Baltimore residents.

Learn more about Train Up.

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