Mayor Pugh Announces Efforts to Recruit Young Adults for the 2017 Baltimore City Water Industry Career Mentoring Program

Applications are currently being accepted for participation in the 2017 session of the Baltimore City Water Industry Youth Career Mentoring Program, which introduces young Baltimore City residents to careers in the water industry.

“I am proud to announce that recruitment has started for this visionary program designed to introduce our young people to productive careers in the water industry, which is facing the retirement of seasoned workers and a shortage of trained newcomers,” said Mayor Catherine E. Pugh. “As the water supplier of the Baltimore region, it is important that the City of Baltimore take the lead in training the next generation of workers in the water profession.”

This program is open to City residents between the ages of 18 and 24, with a high school diploma or GED, who are unemployed or underemployed, and not currently engaged in job training or post-secondary education. Acceptance into the mentoring program is competitive and is based on applications and interviews.

Applications will be accepted through Friday, February 10. The program begins February 21 and runs through August 11, 2017. Classes are held Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (six hours a week).

Exploring Water Industry Careers

The mentoring program is divided into three phases:

Phase I: Participants complete skill and interest assessments, take part in basic job readiness training, and are introduced to the water industry
Phase II: Participants explore a variety of career options available within the water industry, take part in job shadowing experiences and worksite tours, and are paired with a career coach
Phase III: Participants are placed in summer jobs through YouthWorks and begin to interview for full-time positions

Launched in 2015, the mentoring program is a collective effort of the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW), Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED), and Chesapeake Water Environment Association (CWEA).

A total of 26 young Baltimore City residents have completed the Baltimore City Water Industry Youth Career Mentoring Program and are currently employed in full-time jobs within the water industry.

To request an application for the 2017 Baltimore City Water Industry Youth Career Mentoring Program, please contact: Anthony L. Greene, Internship Coordinator, Youth Services Division, MOED, 101 W. 24th Street, Baltimore, Md. 21218; 410-396-6722.

Applications are also available online at, and should be printed and submitted to the above address.


The Baltimore City Department of Public Works supports the health, environment, and economy of our City and region by cleaning our neighborhoods and waterways and providing its customers with safe drinking water and sustainable energy practices. For additional information visit:; Facebook and Nextdoor at Baltimore City Department of Public Works; and Twitter at @BaltimoreDPW.
The Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Employment Development is committed to building a strong workforce for our city by developing meaningful partnerships with the local business community and connecting Baltimore citizens of all ages and backgrounds with jobs and pathways to careers. In fiscal year 2016 MOED served more than 20,000 residents at our career center locations, connected more than 1,200 people with computer literacy training at our digital learning labs, assisted more than 1,000 businesses with developing and retaining their quality workforce, and placed more than 3,100 individuals in jobs at an average wage of nearly $12/hour. The YouthWorks summer jobs program offered 8,000 young people employment in 2016 at more than 900 worksite locations.

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