Mayor’s Office of Employment Development Supports Visit Baltimore’s Tourism Career Pathways & Resource Fair

MOED staff on-hand to lead workshops and assist job seekers with workforce development resources and job applications
as part of Baltimore Tourism Week

Today, workforce professionals from the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development and more than 20 employers from Baltimore’s tourism industry are hosting workshops, providing job preparation resources and conducting interviews at Visit Baltimore’s Tourism Career Pathways & Resource Fair at the Columbus Center, 701 E. Pratt Street, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

In celebration of Baltimore Tourism Week, which coincides with National Travel and Tourism Week, Visit Baltimore has spearheaded a number of programs including today’s resource fair. Recognizing a shared desire to inspire, nurture and connect talented Baltimore residents to career opportunities in this growing industry, Visit Baltimore partnered with MOED to plan and conduct today’s event.

As a result, job seekers can learn how to market their work experience opportunities, hone their job skills, and complete online applications and assessments to improve their abilities to improve their employment situation and build a career. MOED staff will assist participants using the latest digital resources on board the Enoch Pratt Free Library’s new Mobile Job Center powered by BGE and Exelon.

YouthWorks summer jobs participants that successfully completed their registration and received special job readiness training through the Hire One Youth initiative will interview with many tourism employers for their summer job placements.

MOED Director Jason Perkins-Cohen will join Mayor Catherine E. Pugh at 1:30 p.m. as she presents Visit Baltimore with a Baltimore Tourism week proclamation. The tourism industry is a vital contributor to Baltimore’s economy and communities, providing more than 84,000 jobs.

“MOED is pleased to celebrate Baltimore Tourism Week and collaborate with Mayor Pugh and Visit Baltimore to help residents prepare for employment opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry,” said Perkins-Cohen. “Our citizens are ready to work and show employers that it’s a smart business decision to hire locally.”

Tourism Week is presented by Visit Baltimore and the Visit Baltimore Foundation – Visit Baltimore's 501c3 charitable arm – and several community partners including Spirit Cruises, Whiting Turner, Gross Mendelsohn, BGE and Ballard Spahr.

Included among those employers participating in today’s event are the Baltimore Convention Center, Hilton Hotel Baltimore, Horseshoe Casino, National Aquarium, Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Hotel, and Sagamore Pendry Baltimore.


The Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Employment Development is committed to building a strong workforce for our city by developing meaningful partnerships with the local business community and connecting Baltimore citizens of all ages and backgrounds with jobs and pathways to careers.
 In fiscal year 2016 MOED served more than 20,000 residents at our career center locations, connected more than 1,200 people with computer literacy training at our digital learning labs, assisted more than 1,000 businesses with developing and retaining their quality workforce, and placed more than 3,100 individuals in jobs at an average wage of nearly $12/hour.
The YouthWorks summer jobs program offered 8,000 young people employment in 2016 at more than 900 worksite locations.

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