YouthWorks Helps More Than 1,000 Youth Open Checking Accounts

Baltimore City’s summer jobs program partners with Securityplus Federal Credit Union to expand financial empowerment programming; deadline is April 18 

YouthWorks is expanding its financial empowerment component for participants of Baltimore City’s summer jobs program by offering a direct deposit option through Securityplus Federal Credit Union. More than 1,000 youth and young adults, 14-21, have set up checking accounts and will access their summer wages with a debit card that is secured with a customized PIN number. This new feature builds upon last year’s introduction of debit cards being used instead of paper paychecks to pay YouthWorks participant wages.

Fully registered YouthWorks participants may visit any Securityplus Federal Credit Union branch on or before April 18, 2018 to sign up. Participants, 16 years of age and older, do not need parental consent. Branch locations are listed below.

“YouthWorks is more than just a jobs program,” Mayor’s Office of Employment Development Director Jason Perkins-Cohen said. “It gives young adults an opportunity to earn a paycheck, experience a sense of financial independence and save for their future.”

The accounts have no overdraft fees, no maintenance fees, and a large surcharge-free ATM network to ensure they are affordable.

“We have established the YouthWorks checking account as an account with training wheels,” Securityplus Federal Credit Union Marketing Communications Specialist Erica Glass said. “Youth learn to manage their money while reducing the likelihood of being penalized for making mistakes along the way. We are very proud to be pioneers in this initiative; we know we are playing a part in helping these youth develop into financially responsible adults.”

The debit card/direct deposit feature is part of YouthWorks’ financial empowerment programming that includes partnerships with Securityplus, T. Rowe Price Foundation, the Mayor’s Office of Human Services Community Action Partnership, and Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund Summer Jobs Program.

YouthWorks partners with the CASH Campaign of Maryland to provide vital money management skills to summer jobs participants through financial education workshops led by experts in the field and through a peer education model, Money Mentors.

YouthWorks participants may open an account by April 18, 2018 at these Securityplus Federal Credit Union branches:

  • Owings Mills
    60 Painters Mill Road
    Owings Mills, MD 21117
  • Woodlawn
    1514 Woodlawn Drive
    Baltimore, MD 21207
  • Northwest Plaza
    4470 W. Northern Parkway
    Baltimore, MD 21215

The first of two, five-week YouthWorks summer job cycles begins on June 25, 2018. The deadline to apply for a summer job has passed, but employers and contributors are still needed. To see how you can help and for more information, please visit

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