Mayor Catherine E. Pugh Announces YouthWorks Leadership Circle to Help Support Summer Jobs for Youth

Baltimore Gas and Electric CEO Calvin Butler shares BGE’s commitment to preparing the future workforce

Today, Mayor Catherine E. Pugh was joined by leaders from Baltimore City’s business and philanthropic communities to announce the formation of the YouthWorks Leadership Circle. This group, comprised of local stakeholders committed to the importance of youth employment, will help promote the need for donations and the identification of worksites to support Baltimore’s 2017 summer jobs program.

“Half the workforce will be Millennials by 2020 and it is important for business to hire youth to shape the future workforce,” said Mayor Pugh. “In Baltimore City, our young people have proven a desire to work and contribute to our growth and it is incumbent upon all of us – government, businesses, and foundations – to provide meaningful summer jobs for them. We are committed to making YouthWorks a stepping stone to create career opportunities as well as positive learning environments.

For the third consecutive year, YouthWorks’ goal is to offer five-week summer employment opportunities to at least 8,000 Baltimore City youth and young adults, ages 14-21. They will work at close to 1,000 different worksites in a variety of fields including energy, health care, hospitality/tourism, finance, construction, law and government. This includes hundreds of jobs provided by local companies, as part of Hire One Youth, the private sector component of YouthWorks.

“BGE is committed to the success of Baltimore and its economic health and that begins with providing employment opportunities for its citizens, especially young people,” said BGE Chief Executive Officer Calvin G. Butler Jr. “I’m proud to be a part of the Mayor’s new YouthWorks Leadership Circle and today’s announcement is a collaborative effort to prepare youth for meaningful careers.”

Another member of the YouthWorks Leadership Circle, Patrick McCarthy, president and CEO of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, made a special announcement contributing $500,000 to YouthWorks. He also offered to pledge up to $250,000 in additional funding, if matched by others.

"YouthWorks offers Baltimore's young people more than a summer job — it opens doors to opportunity, giving them invaluable, practical experiences that help prepare them for success in life," Mr. McCarthy said. "By issuing this challenge grant, we hope even more partners will join us in investing in our youth, which will not only benefit them as individuals but strengthen our city's future workforce, business community and economy."

In addition to Mr. Butler and Mr. McCarthy, other members of the YouthWorks Leadership Circle include Don Fry, president & CEO of the Greater Baltimore Committee, Bill McCarthy, executive director of Catholic Charities, and Janet Currie, senior vice president and Greater Maryland market manager of Bank of America.

YouthWorks is funded through multiple public and private sources. Government funding includes a significant annual allocation from Baltimore City Department of Social Services/Maryland State Department of Human Resources to support summer employment among foster children and families receiving Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF).

YouthWorks 2017 will feature two five-week work cycles, beginning June 26 and July 10. Youth are scheduled to work for 25 hours per week at minimum wage. However, Hire One Youth employers may choose to pay more and offer additional hours. The online period for youth to apply has expired.

Individuals and organizations are encouraged to make tax-deductible contributions online at

Businesses interested in becoming a Hire One Youth employer can learn more and sign up by visiting

Government agencies, non-profit organizations, and community groups that would like to serve as YouthWorks worksites can register online at

More information about Baltimore City’s summer jobs program can be found at


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