More Than 10, 000 Baltimore City Youth and Young Adults Apply for YouthWorks Summer Jobs

Online application period ends Friday, March 1 for 14-21-year-old Baltimore City residents interested in employment through the summer jobs program 

YouthWorks is full-speed ahead with enrollment for the 2020 program. More than 10,000 Baltimore City residents, 14-21, have applied online at since the portal opened on January 2, 2020. Over 1,500 applied within the first 24 hours, and more than 4,500 did so within the first week.  

The last day to apply is Sunday, March 1. The online application is the first of two steps toward completing the 2020 YouthWorks registration process. Applicants are required to attend in-person verification appointments, conducted through March, to ensure all work documents are in order before being eligible for YouthWorks jobs. 

"Once again Baltimore's young adults are showing us they want to work," MOED Director Jason Perkins-Cohen said. "YouthWorks continues to provide critical support for Baltimore City's youth, their families and our communities."

YouthWorks 2020 will operate one five-week session from June 29 through July 31. Participants typically work five-hour days for minimum wage of $11.00 per hour, but employers who provide the salaries may offer increased hours and wages. 

YouthWorks needs support in order to help meet the 2020 demand. There are three ways to help:

Private sector, nonprofit and government employers are encouraged to interview, select, and hire from a pool of trained and talented young adults, ages 16-21. These job-ready young people are to work a minimum of 120 hours during the summer at minimum wage or higher. Companies often choose to retain these employees past the summer in part- or full-time year-round employment. Please visit or email for more information about hiring through YouthWorks. 

Nonprofit organizations and government agencies can serve as YouthWorks worksites, even with limited funds. YouthWorks will place workers in summer jobs with your organization and pay the salaries. The worksites provide the five-week, five-hour per day (excluding lunch) work experience, supervision and valuable mentoring. Please visit to learn how to apply to become a 2020 YouthWorks worksite.

Corporate sponsors, philanthropic organizations and individuals can support YouthWorks by making a tax-deductible donation. It costs $1,700 to fund one youth in a summer job, but contributions of any amount are appreciated. Online donations can be made at Checks can also be made payable to Baltimore Civic Fund/YouthWorks and mailed to MOED, 101 W. 24th St., Baltimore, MD 21218.

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