Mayor Young Suspends Programs and In-Person Services at Employment Development Locations Amid COVID-19 Emergency

Today, Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young issued new guidance to city agencies as it relates to public interaction.

Due to the potential spread in Baltimore City of COVID-19, and for the protection of the general public and our employees, the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development will suspend programs and in-person services at its adult and youth service locations beginning Monday, March 16. Residents and employers will be able to access services via telephone, email and other digital communications. This includes career counseling, work supports and help finding employment through virtual assistance.

“My top priority is to protect the health and well-being of both Baltimore City residents and its employees,” said Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young. “As a government, during this health emergency, we must adapt and offer innovative solutions to daily tasks with a goal of reducing the risk of exposure for everyone in our city while not reducing services or resources.”

Customers may contact the centers directly during normal office hours. Please visit to identify the nearest location's contact information.

“We want to take every precaution to make sure our residents and staff stay healthy,” MOED Director Jason Perkins-Cohen said. “While our physical career centers will be closed to the public, we will provide employment and career-building support in ways that don’t require in-person interactions.” 

For the most current updates, please follow MOED on Twitter @BaltMOED and Facebook at Baltimore City Mayor's Office of Employment Development.

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